Monday, 9 June 2014

Egytian Mummies

Many years ago people were preserved by their own people. Their organs were taken out and put into canopic jars.This was called mummification.

Have you ever wondered how mummies were made?

First the mummies body was washed in a special tent called an ibu. They removed the organs out of the mummy and the organs were placed into canopic jars. They used a hook through the nose and pulled the brain out in little pieces until the brain was fully out.

The Egyptian mummy was stuffed with rags and sawdust and dried for 40 days where the body was then massaged with nice smelling oils to soften the skin. Alot of beautiful jewels were placed on the mummy.

The mummy was wrapped up with bandages, not toilet paper! Then charms were placed between the bandages. Next they would paint a death mask and put it on the head. From there the mummy was placed into a coffin and then a tomb.

These days people discover the mummies which help them to research how Egyptians lived and what they looked like.

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