Monday, 9 June 2014

Egyptian Mummies

In Egyptian times they preserved  dead people and animals by mummifying them.

Have you ever wondered how  a mummy is made?

First of all they wash the body in a tent, then they remove all the organs and put them into jars.

Next a person would pull the brain out through the nose.

They filled the body with rags or sawdust then buried them for 40 days so that they could dry.

After 40 days  they dug up the body then rub the skin with oils and jewelry was put on the body.

They wrap the body, then put charms on it so the body would be protected from evil.

They put a wooden mask on the head so the soul could recognise the body when it returned.

Finally they put the body in a coffin, then put the coffin a tomb for eternity.

Now thousands and millions of years later people are discovering them and learning what they
looked like and how they lived.

See how it works by clicking on this link and creating your own mummy, enjoy!


  1. A very interesting read Zac. I am very glad I was not alive in those times, I can't imagine doing that for a job. It would be fascinating to see the mummies now though.
    Miss Zeier

  2. thanks for your comment Miss Zeier!
