Monday, 9 June 2014


The most common place where you would find mummies is Egypt. Most dead animals and people were preserved in Egypt which means that they kept the body as fresh as possible.
Have you ever wondered how a mummy was made?

The mummy is put onto a bed, then someone will wash the body to make it look clean and fresh then let the body dry. When the organs are removed they were put into a jar. After wards they would use a hook and attach it to the brain. The brain would be yanked out through the nose.

As the person is taking out the organs they would leave the heart in the body because the heart is important. Meanwhile they would stuff cloths or saw dust into the body to replace the organs. After 40 days of being left to dry they would massage fresh smelling oils onto the body to make it smell nice. Next the only thing they had to do was put them into a coffin and then the coffin into a tomb.

Nowadays people are discovering mummies and from these remains they are able to learn about how the Egyptian people lived and what they looked like.


  1. Some more interesting facts about mummies Amethyst. I commented on Zac's post that I thought it would be interesting to see mummies but after seeing your pictures I think I've changed my mind. Do you know how far back the remains of some of these mummies date?
    Miss Zeier

  2. wow that looks scary

    how did you guys find the body of the mummy?

    from Selita in Room 21

  3. Super interesting facts Amethyst! Did you know the ancient embalmer would put a special hooked tool up the nose and pull out the brain! Eek! Do you know a lot about the pyramids as well?
    Miss P
